February, 2022




Ohio Logistics’ Growth Continues

With Major Investment Acquisition in New York

Aerial view ofrecently acquired Horseheads Southern Tier Logistics Center

If you traveled back in time to June of 1988, Business Park in Bovvling Green, we currently you would find a new business in Findlay, OH have two warehouses totaling 300,000 sq. ft. workin out of a 40,000 sq. ft. warehouse with room to ecpand to an addiüonal 600,000 called indlay’s Tall Timbers Distribution sq. ft., including a 100,000 sq. ft. spec building Center. Chuck Bills, the General Manager, scheduled to be built this year. As we did with did everything necessary to take care of his Findlay’s Tall Timbers Industrial Park, we are customers. He made sales calls, answered the actively collaborating with BG’s business park phone, filled out paperwork, lifted boxes, fixed leadership to invigorate the economic developstuffthat was broken, drove the förklift, loaded ment of the Woodbridge Business Park to trucks, did the accounting, etc, He had to, help it reach its fullest potential, because for the first three months of operation he was the lone employee of Findlay’s Tall In Fostoria we have 45 acres of land where Timbers Distribution Center, now known as we’ve already completed a 100,000 sq, ft. spec

Ohio Logistics,                                                    building that is scheduled to open in April,

This acreage will allow us to build an addiIt’s been almost 34 years since the company tional 200,000 sq, ft. for a total of 300,000 started, and our growth has been noteworthy, sq, ft. ofwarehouse space at this location, At In Findlay, OH alone we currently have four our Building 1 location in Fostoria, we just buildings totaling over 1.3 million square feet purchased an additional 52 acres of land alof state-of-the-art warehouse space, We’ve lowing us to expand the current building from also expanded into other Ohio regions that 600,000 sq, ft. to 750,000 sq, ft. making this proved promising from a business point of the single largest building we own, This exview, including, Bellevue, Bowling Green, pansion is planned for 2022, Combined with Columbus, Fostoria, Ottawa, and Trenton. Our Building 2, our total square footage of wareoperations in Bowling Green and Fostoria house space in Fostoria will be over 960,000 are great examples of our most recent growth sq, ft. by the end of the year, over the last four years.

Over the years, Ohio Logistics has also ex-

With 80 acres located in the Woodbridge                                            Continued on Page 2

Volume 18, Issue 2

OHIO LOGISTICS Warehousing &Transportation

Findlay, OH 45840                   (419) 4254906

Fou r Locations

Fostoria, OH 44830                 (419) 436-8210

Three Locations

Northwood, OH 43619           (419) 425-4906 Ottawa, OH 45875               (419) 523-3722 Willard, OH aa890              (419) 425-4906 Columbus, OH 43228           (614) 876-8611 Bellevue, OH 44811            (419) 379-1046 Bowling Green, OH 43402            (419) 326-5513 Trenton, OH 45067              (513) 714-3420

Clyde, OH 43410                    (419) 425-4906

Joliet, IL 60431                         (419) 4254906

OHIO LOGISTICS Southern Tier Division

Painted Post, NY 14870          (607) 936-9414

Fou r Locations

OHIO LOGISTICS Penn Centre Division

State College, PA 16804 (814) 357-6880 Bellefonte, PA 16823 (814) 357-6880

OHIO LOGISTICS Olive Branch Division

Olive Branch, MS 38654         (662) 219-2977


Findlay, OH 45839                  (419) 422-3330

Interesting Ohio History

Catherine Bach of Warren, OH is an American actress best known for playing Daisy Duke in the television series The Dukes of Hazzard. Playing both the main female protagonist and the sex symbol on the show, Bach asked ifshe muld bring her own outfit, which was a homemade T-shirt, a pair of cut-off denim shorts and high heels. The tight denim shorts later became colloquially known as “Daisy Dukes.’ Bach posed as Daisy Dukefor a poster, which sold 5 million copies and gained unexpected admiration from Nancy Reagan and other staff after Bach visited The White House.

GYST December Winners:

Ottawa & Bowling Green, OH

In this issue:

Ohio Logistics Growth                             1

Ohio Logistics Growth (cont.) 2 Perfect Attendance 3 Meet Mike Spradlin 4


Continuedfrom Page 1

anded o erations into other states including, KY PA, IL, and MS, doing our best from a business perspective to meet our customers’ needs utilizing an efficient supply chain. In fact, companywide, we currently have over 400 Associates operating over 6 million sq. ft. of space in 24 locations serving six states.

Through our Southern Tier Division in New York, we are partnering with local economic development offices and industry to re-develop the former site known as The Holding Point, now known as Horseheads Southern Tier Logistics Center (HOST). Work has already begun with the demolition of existing buildings to make room for a 461,000 sq. ft. warehouse to be constructed yet this year. This acquired site, consisting of 187 acres, will be capable of developing 2,000,000 sq. ft. of warehousing and manufacturing space.

Southern Tier Logistics’ Mitchell Wolff, formerly of Host, sums up this recent acquisition nicely:

For decades, this iconicProperty, situated on apProximately 185 acres andaffedionately known locally as the “Holding Point” was an integral part ofthe economic Chemung County, New York, Southern Tier ofNew York, community. Tenants such as Corning, IBM, Dupont, etc. employed hundreds oflocal residents. HOSTs basic in-place infrastructure is remarkable including the 1-86 ConnectorProject, environmentally clean, 4+ miles ofrail/intermodal exclusively servicedby Norjölk Southern Railways, close airportProximity, ultra-high-speed internet, certified truck scales, Foreign Trade Zone credentials imminent, high water/electric capacity, etc. makes it extremely attractivePr top tier corporate companies. To execute theplan requires our operationalexpertise in continuing our mission to oversee andsecure tenants in the construction ofnew, Class A warehouse structures and servicing them with our 3PLprocesses thereby recreating a robustjob creation Platform.

Constructing new ClassA warehouses willattract top tier companies, naturally creating a significantjob basefocusing on local, regional, and out-of-state, candidates. 7he new construction will not be “speculative based”but rather Pursuant to bonafide long term lease contracts that we are actively securing. 7hese newjobs will migrate towards the advancement ofhousing andcommercialdevelopment. 7his was welldocumentedpreviously at HOSTby energy related companies in anticipation o being approved, however, the i erence is that there they hadshort term commitments and was single commodity driven (naturalgas). We will be diverse and long-term driven with industry leaders that appreciate the economic impact their presence has in the ffected communities.

Our growth has been very rewarding! Without our outstanding Associates and customers, we wouldn’t be where we are today. And for that, we are indeed fortunate and thankful, BG under construction


Bowling Green Warehouse, 300,000 sq. ft.           sofar!

Fostoria #3 Warehouse, 100,000 sq.ft. (with roomfor 200,000 sq.ft. expansion

Perfect Attendance! QA Results Are In

Three Month Perfect Attendance

Alaste De colina, Rosa     Darby, Bradley              Jones, James                       Rohalla, Joseph

Anderson, Gary                     Darrah, James                 Jordan, Charles                     Sackrider, Ricky

Arnold, James                       Dick, Deborah                Kelly, Emmett                       Schmitz, Peggy

Baker, Eric                           Dobek, Daniel                Kirkendall, Travis                  Simon, Darrin

Baker, Julian            Domyk, Anthony      Koch, Casey             Snyder, Terry Barlekamp, Todd  Dorman, Randal        Koch, Dale               Spencer, Meloney

Beach, Venessa                     Durgin, Debra                 Koehler, Garrison                  Stahl, Jordan

Blair, Timothy                      Ellis, Glenn                    Kulick, Donald                      Stallard, Marla

Blanchard, Daniel                  Essman, Jeff                   Laubenthal, Derek                 Staup, Michael

Bonomo, Rogina                   Felts, Michael                 Lawrence, Ronald                    Steffensen, Jerrod

Borer, Toby                          Flint, Eric                       Lenartavage, David               Stevens, Ashley

Bozich, Brandun                   Gerken, Kimberly            Lona, JoLynn                        Stiles, Ann

Brewer, Donny                      Gleason, Cori                  MacMilan, Joshua                 Storck, Kevin

Brewer, Tammy                    Gleason, Matthew           McHale, Ann                         Straub, Hunter

Brown, Stewart                     Gorvino, Christopher       McIntosh, Mark                    Tosh, Amanda

Browning, Robert                  Gravatt, Michael             Meinen, Mark                       Tuttle, Brian

Bryant, Nicole                      Griffin, Kaliyah               Miller, Ryan                           Unterborn, Bradley

Buckmaster, Randall             Hackworth, Mitchel         Moore, Joseph                      VanDusen, Tim

Burns, Robert                       Hand, Lewis                   Morgan, Gerald                    Victory, Karen

Burrola, Sara                         Harris, Jeffrey                Murphy, Vada                        VonRapacki, Shane

Camacho, Richard                 Hatch, Seth                    Myers, Diana                        Watkins, Robert

Childs, Stephen                     Haynes, Christine            Navarro, Gabriel                   Weaver, Anthony

Chitwood, Judith                   Henry, Julianne               Osborne, David                     Wetzel, Jena

Christofaro. Dominic             Hinkle, Norman               Pahl, Julie                             Wheeler, Norman

Claiborne, Jasmine                Hoffman, Johnathan         Peaslee, Chris                       Wilka, James

Conley, Wayne                     Hudson, Jeffery               Potts, Scott                          Williams, Lisa

Cooper, Gary                        Jackson, Donald              Randall, Bert                        Wolfe, Rick

Crabtree, Timothy                 Jamison , Andre              Rangel, Lindsay                   Wood, Vicki

Cunningham, Matt                 Johnson, Dennis              Robinson, James                   Woodard, Lawrence

Tech Talk                                                                   If you look at the cable it is marked with the

USB symbol on one side. This is not just By Ohio Logistics’ ITManager, Mike Spradlin marketing; if you are inserting the cable horizontally then the symbol will face up. If you Welcome back to “Tech Talk,” your inside are inserting it vertically, the symbol will face source för all things IT, As most of you know, you. Now you know. the handheld scanner is at the core of our business, Over the last several months you Fact: Americans alone send 18 billion texts have probably heard, or seen, communications every day, 541 billion texts every month, and about “Android” versus “Windows” scanners, trillion texts every year,

In this edition ofTech Talk I will explain why we currently have both platforms in production, The simple answer is that Microsoft is no longer supporting a Windows based mobile platform, formerly known as Windows CE, which is forcing us to migrate to the Android platfÖrm, This is a large undertaking and has required us to rewrite every scanner process in the organization to make them work on the Android scanners, We have a few locations that are already operating exclusively on the Android platform, but over the next several months we will be deploying more Android scanners in a warehouse near you.

Didyou know? USB cables are marked so you can insert them correctly the first time.

Test Your Logistics IQ:

  • An MRB DRE or other time-phased system in which all time-phased data are accumulated into time periods, or buckets. If the period of accumulation is one week, then the system is said to have weekly buckets.
  • A manufacturing process strategy where the trigger to begin manufacture ofa product is an actual customer order or release rather than a market forecast. For make-to-order products, more than 20% of the value added takes place after the receipt of the order or release, and all necessary design and process documentaäon is available at the äme of order receipt.
  • A warehouse that stores raw materials. Goods from different suppliers are picked, sorted, staged, or sequenced at the warehouse to assemble plant orders.

February Dates of Importance:

February 2 – Groundhog Day

February 4 – World Cancer Day February 9 – National Pizza Day

February 12 – Lincoln’s Birthday

February 13 – Super Bowl [VI

February 14 – Valentine’s Day

February 21 – Presidents Day

February 22 Washington’s Bday

Answers to Test Your Logistics IQ

Ålddns Japi() 01 ablen 7 walsÅs pala)ljng

We are members of:





Grant County Chamber Putnam County Chamber/Econ. Dev.

Fostoria Chamber/Econ. Dev.

Wood County Chamber

Fulton County Chamber

Findlay Hancock County Alliance

Bellevue Chamber of Commerce Chemung County Chamber Walker Cnty Chamber of Commerce www.OhioLogistics.com

Meet Mike Spradlin                                              OL: Are you a sports fan? Who do you follow?

Mike has been with the company since April Mike: Yes, I am a huge sports fan. I love all of 2021 working as our IT Manager. Keep sports, but my favorite is college football. And, reading to learn more about Mike and his by far, my favorite team is the Buckeyes. I life outside of work. can’t reall fm \ think explain I was why, bom but with I am it in a passionatemy DNA OSU

OL: How do you like to spend your free time? Mike: Ideally, in one of two places. Either on the golf course or the ski slopes. I am not very good at either, but I like to try. If I can’t golf or ski, I enjoy woodworking. I have a small shop in my garage where I spend a lot of time. OL: Which local hole-in-the-wall restaurant would you recommend to someone visiting from out of town? What should they order? Mike: For sure, The Fern. And they must get the meatloaf sandwich. Love it or hate it, you have to try it once. But the fried bologna sandWich is pretty solid also.

OL: Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.

Mike: I lived in Hawaii for several years and worked as a bartender on a dinner ship. Every night we would take a load of vacationers out of Pearl Harbor and anchor offWaikiki beach, put on a little show, serve dinner and watch the sun set. It was in Hawaii where I got my OL: Tell us about your family, start in IT putting in telephone systems on Mike: There isn’t much to tell. My family is the Pearl Harbor Navy base. very small. I have a son that is 31 and lives in Las Vegas and a daughter that is 28 and lives in Columbus. I also have a sister that lives in Arlington.




Warehousing & Transportation

Please contact us at: (419) 425

or sales@OhioLogistics.com

P.(). Box952 1800 Industrial Drive Findlay, (hr cmrenl mar/wling lerrilory Ohio Logistics is affiliated with Findlay’s Tall Timbers Distribution Center, LLC

“First, think. Second, dream. Third, believe.

And finally, dare.”

– Walt Disney –

Happy Birthday To You!

OL Ohio

Julian Baker 2/14 Abi Barchus 2/19 Emily Brose 2/14

Osmar Colina Atacho 2/15

Travis Conn 2/23

Derek Guilliod 2/8

JoLynn Long 2/14 Julie Pahl 2/23

Mike Spradlin 2/1

Todd Weadock 2/27 Liz Witt 2/11

OL Southern Tier Div.

Levi Bradigan 2/26

Jessica Brooks 2/16

Matthew Bryant 2/15

Angie Clark 2/15

Joshua Crowley 2/1

Mike Erway 2/1

Jeff Harris 2/27

Brittney Hawley 2/15

Manuel Hoppe 2/3

Mark Jones 2/25

Thomas Lindsay 2/29

Nico Mancuso 2/8

Richard Matthews 2/16

Ann McHale 2/10

Meloney Spencer 2/1 Carl VonRapacki 2/17

OL Penn Centre Div. Gerald Hanley 2/1

It’s Your Anniversary!

OL Ohio

Ramiro Alvarez 3 Years

Gary Anderson 1 Year

John Barton

Robert Burns 2 Years Jason Daniels 3 Years Ben Harris 21 Years

Ryan Miller 3 Years

Gabe Navarro 7 Years Christopher Yaeger 1 Year

OL Southern Tier Div.

Dari’ Bentley

Don Brewer 14 Years Brian Brown

Stephen Childs 1 Year Diane Colitti

1<yle Cornish

Eric Flint

Ali Malik

Todd Steinhauer 12 Years Ashley Stevens 4 Years Christine Taft

OL Penn Centre Div.

Gerald Hanley Casey Koch www.OhioLogistics.com